Pace Hospitals | Best Hospitals in Hyderabad, Telangana, India



Deals with the health and treatment of conditions of the eye. 

Ophthalmology deals with the health and treatment of conditions of the eye. 

The Ophthalmology department of PACE hospitals provides you with first class eye care and surgical services for patients suffering from eye disorders. The Ophthalmology department has the expertise to treat all kind of eye related problems ranging from routine eye examination to other conditions of the eye and surrounding structures. The department offers the best and the right diagnostic care for vision problems. Our team of ophthalmologists is fully equipped with state of the art diagnostic and therapeutic equipment for treating glaucoma, cataracts, corneal and external diseases, aesthetics, pediatric ophthalmic diseases and disorders.

We specialize in diagnosing and treating cataracts, traumatic eye injuries and juvenile glaucoma in adults and children of all age groups. We aim to provide healthy and quick recovery for all the patients.

What we treat?

We offer a treatment for wide range of opthalmological disorders.

Horner Syndrome

Horner syndrome is a rare disease which affects the sympathetic nerves that supply from the brain to the face and eye. 

Strabismus Cross Eye

Strabismus is a condition where both eyes do not coordinate or look at the same object at the same time. 


Retinoblastoma is a malignant tumor in the retinal layer of your eye. It is one of the common tumors of the eye in children.


A group of eye conditions that result in damage of the optic nerve that supplies the eye resulting in loss of vision is called Glaucoma. The vision loss occurs gradually over a period of time and may not be noticed initially. 

Diabetic Retinopathy

Retinopathy is the condition where the retina at the back of the eye is damaged due to the blockade of its nutrient blood vessels. If not treated it may lead to damage of vision or blindness. 

Horner Syndrome

Horner syndrome is a rare disease which affects the sympathetic nerves that supply from the brain to the face and eye. 

Procedures Performed

We perform a wide range of procedures to treat opthalmology disorders.

Cataract and Primary Eye Care

Contact Lens Service

Corneal Surgery

Glaucoma Surgery

Laser Eye Surgery


Vitreo Retinal Surgery

Eye Muscle Surgery

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