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Breast Cancer : Know, How and Why?

Pace Hospitals

A lump in the breast, clear of bloody fluid discharge from the nipple and changes in the shape or texture of the nipple or breast can be breast cancer symptom.

Breast cancer is the most commonencroachingcancer and the second main cause of cancer death in women.

In cancer, the body's cells multiply uncontrollably. It is the excessive cell growth that causes cancer.

Breast cancer ?

Breast cancer can be:

  • Ductal carcinoma: This begins in the milk duct and is the most common type.
  • Lobular carcinoma: This starts in the lobules.

Invasive breast cancer is when the cancer cells break out from inside the lobules or ducts and invade nearby tissue, increasing the chance of spreading to other parts of the body.

Non-invasive breast cancer is when the cancer is still inside its place of origin and has not broken out. However, these cells can eventually develop into invasive breast cancer.

Breast cancer symptoms ?

The first symptoms of breast cancer are usually an area of thickened tissue in the breast, or a lump in the breast or in an armpit.

 Other symptoms include:

  • a pain in the armpits or breast that does not change with the monthly cycle
  • pitting or redness of the skin of the breast, like the skin of an orange
  • a rash around or on one of the nipples
  • a discharge from a nipple, possibly containing blood
  • a sunken or inverted nipple
  • a change in the size or shape of the breast
  • peeling, flaking, or scaling of the skin on the breast or nipple

Most lumps are not cancerous, but women should have them checked by a health care professional.

Breast cancer diagnosis ?

A diagnosis often occurs as the result of routine screening, or when a woman approaches her doctor after detecting  symptoms.

Some diagnostic tests and procedures help to confirm a diagnosis.

Breast exam

  • The physician will check the patient's breasts for lumps and other symptoms.
  • The patient will be asked to sit or stand with her arms in different positions, such as above her head and by her sides.

Imaging tests

  • A mammogram is a type of x-ray commonly used for initial breast cancer screening. It produces images that can help detect any lumps or abnormalities. A suspicious result can be followed up by further diagnosis. However, mammography sometimes shows up a suspicious area that is not cancer. This can lead to unnecessary stress and sometimes interventions.
  • An ultrasound scan can help differentiate between a solid mass or a fluid-filled cyst.
  • An MRI scan involves injecting a dye into the patient, so find out how far the cancer has spread.


A sample of tissue is surgically removed for laboratory analysis. This can show whether the cells are cancerous, and, if so, which type of cancer it is, including whether or not the cancer is hormone-sensitive.

Treatment ?

Treatment will depend on:

  • Chemotherapy can be an option for breast cancer.
  • Chemotherapy can be an option for breast cancer.
  • the type of breast cancer
  • the stage of the cancer
  • sensitivity to hormones
  • the patient's age, overall health, and preferences
The main options include:

  • radiation therapy
  • surgery
  • biological therapy, or targeted drug therapy
  • hormone therapy
  • chemotherapy
Factors affecting the choice will include the stage of the cancer, other medical conditions, and individual preference.

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